
This used to be my playground

This used to be my playground
This used to be my childhood dream
This used to be the place I ran to
Whenever I was in need
Of a friend
Why did it have to end
And why do they always say
Dont look back
Keep your head held high
Dont ask them why
Because life is short
And before you know
You're feeling old
And your heart is breaking
Dont hold on to the past
Well thats too much to ask

هناك ٣ تعليقات:

محمد العيسة يقول...

شي ما بيدعوا للاستغراب
رائعة وبس ......

والرسم بينسرق

damDooM يقول...

like it.....no!!! :S:S:S
"BTW....do u like Madonna??!!!....this is sth i didnt know :D:D:D ....."
there's sth different about this painting.....dont know what it is though!! but it gave me a new feeling....thank you my dearest Suzanne :)
Love beyond inf (^_^)

سوزان عليوان يقول...

شكرًا يا صديقي
ومقدّمة : )



Dear damDooM
I am so glad you like it
and feel there is something "else" in it
for it is a very special drawing to me
My school friends and i in the old playground
that used to be our playground
when the days were our days

And yes i like Madonna in her old songs
escpecially this one

Love beyond beyond
; )